Top 1.5 % global ranking

ranked #1 in bahamas, #1 in sri lanka, & #139 IN USA in alternative health category

Do you want more energy and less anxiety so that you can do “all the things?” Are you searching for meal ideas, essential oils, and other holistic treatments? Do you wish you could know which direction to take with your health so that you could finally feel better?

Top Episodes

19: Disturbed By Feelings of Shame and Regret? 2 People to Remember When You Have These Negative Emotions

80: One Healthy Meal Idea That the Whole Family Will Love

81: Do You Want “Good Success”?

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  • Brief biography (a few sentences)
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  • 93: Symptoms of Autoimmunity and Simple Tools That Can Help

    There are many symptoms of autoimmunity that you might not know about. However, there are many simple, natural tools that can help with chronic symptoms. As you continue to learn about alternative methods for health, you will feel more and more empowered.    Hope for Your Health: A Simple Cheat Sheet for Getting Started with…

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Are you looking for health tips, prayer, or networking opportunities?

Hope for Your Health: 4 Simple, Holistic Steps to Overcome Autoimmunity for Christian Women

Do you feel anxious about your chronic illness and frustrated by a never-ending amount of conflicting health information? Discover God’s Health Wisdom invites you to explore what the Bible has to say about health. It exposes the pitfalls of the healthcare industry from a nurse’s perspective and provides compelling reasons to seek God’s wisdom first for your health. This book will ultimately instill peace and hope as it encourages you to turn to the One who created you—the most powerful, loving Healer.